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domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

AudioCodes Media Gateways offering for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and Office Communication Server 2007

Ya hace algún tiempo que he venido trabajando con los equipos Audiocodes para realizar SIP Trunk e integraciones con centralitas (PBX) SIP/IP y analógicas, debo manifestar que sus productos son de alta calidad y permiten darle un valor agregado a las implementaciones de Lync en este caso en el despliegue de Enterprise Voice y Comunicaciones Unificadas, quiero compartir con ustedes el siguiente articulo.



Connecting Lync to existing voice services
  • Legacy and IP-based Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs)
  • Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN)
  • Secured SIP Trunking
  • Fax machines and analog devices
Introducing Survivable Branch Appliances for branch offices
  • Increasing voice resiliency in branch office scenarios
Reducing phone replacement costs by integrating existing phone devices to Lync
  • Analog phones
  • IP Phones
  • Smartphones
Enabling Unified Messaging services with existing PBXs
  • Legacy and IP-based Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs)
AudioCodes SIP Phone Support and MobilityPLUS for Standard SIP
Phones and Smartphone devices

Enterprises that are deploying Microsoft Lync can now leverage their existing installed base of standard SIP IP Phones and connect them to Microsoft Lync. AudioCodes SIP Phone Support (SPS) helps to protect customers’ investments in existing peripherals, by enabling the connectivity of affordable AudioCodes 300HD Series IP-Phones, third-party SIP IP Phones and analog phones into the Microsoft Lync environment. Using AudioCodes MobilityPLUS, Enterprise employees can take advantage of their Smartphone devices by leveraging the enterprise existing Microsoft Lync systems for placing and receiving high quality VoIP calls when ‘on the go’.

AudioCodes SIP Phone Support and MobilityPLUS for Standard SIP Phones and Smartphone devices

UcSIPT Solution Set – Connecting Lync Server and Office Communications Server 2007 R2 to SIP Trunking Service Providers

AudioCodes' Enterprise Session Border Controllers (E-SBC) product line, which leverages AudioCodes' existing media gateways (Mediant 1000 and Mediant 3000 Media Gateways and Session Border Control technology), officially interoperates with Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and OCS 2007-R2 for connecting to SIP Trunking service providers. The connection between the Microsoft environment and SIP Trunking service is enabled by AudioCodes' enterprise session Border Controller product line, which provides full featured Enterprise-class Session Border Controller including Access Control, Encryption and Authentication, Topology Hiding, VoIP firewall and deep packet inspection. AudioCodes' integral Session Border Controller capabilities are supported by both "Enhanced" and "Basic" gateway configuration types (Mediant 1000 and Mediant 3000) and "Survivable Branch Appliance and "Basic Hybrid Gateway" gateway types (Mediant 1000). Microsoft customers are therefore brought true value for their investment.

Solutions For Enterprises
Headquarters solutions

Enterprises are striving to reduce their long term expenses by investing in future-proof equipment, which they can utilize when migrating to SIP Trunk connectivity or when more capacity is required. AudioCodes Enhanced Gateways offer direct SIP connectivity between the Enterprise Voice infrastructure, the PSTN and Microsoft Unified Communications solutions, supporting gradual migration from TDM to IP, and PSTN to SIP Trunking using the built-in Enterprise Class Session Border Controller.

Branch office solutions

Reliable network services at branch offices are essential in order to maintain application availability for critical business processes. AudioCodes Survivable Branch Appliances (SBAs) offer branch-office resiliency for up to 1000 users, with unique built-in complementary services. This includes integrated data services, such as the Router, WAN termination, Data firewall; Secured SIP Trunk connectivity with the integrated Enterprise class session border controller; and Advanced Applications, such as SIP Phones and smartphones integration and Passive recording for Lync.

Connecting Lync to existing voice services and Enabling Unified Messaging services with existing PBXs

Solutions For Service Providers

UC cloud computing and certified SIP Trunking Services for Microsoft Lync

The offering of cloud services gains traction with its powerful functionalities and features which help enterprises stay productive and work seamlessly. Meanwhile Service Providers already recognized the benefits in qualifying their SIP Trunking services with Microsoft Lync. AudioCodes line of carrier-grade high availability and high density media gateways, qualified for Microsoft UC solutions, allow service providers future-safe, reliable and high quality Media Gateway platforms. With their extensive list of codecs support and the ability to transcode between narrowband and wideband voice coders, AudioCodes Gateways enables interoperability with the Service Provider core network. Moreover, AudioCodes products can fulfill the important role of a Demarcation Point, controlled by the Service Provider or the Enterprise, utilizing built-in advanced data services, such as Routing, Firewall, and Enterprise Session Border Controller.

UC cloud computing and certified SIP Trunking Services for Microsoft Lync

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