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jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Lync Server 2010 Documentation Update: September 2011–Documentación de Lync mes de Septiembre 2011

Ya se ha liberado la documentación para Microsoft Lync Server 2010 del mes de Septiembre, así que a leerla y a sacarle todo el provecho posible a continuación los detalles (en inglés):

Author: Patricia Anderson

Publication date: September 20, 2011

Product version: Lync Server 2010

Today, we released an update to the Lync Server 2010 Technical Library, as follows.

Updated Documentation

The following updates were made to the documentation.

Supportability Updates

In the topic, Server Collocation in a Standard Edition Server Deployment, we modified the following statement to be more specific:
“You cannot collocate any Exchange Unified Messaging (UM) component or SharePoint component with any Lync Server role.”

Planning Updates

In the topic, Determining DNS Requirements, we corrected the example DNS entry in the “You are not using split-brain DNS” section of the Determining DNS Requirements Flow Chart.

In the following topics, we added this note about collocation: "If you collocate Lync Server databases with other databases, we highly recommend assessing all factors that might impact availability and performance, as well as ensuring that, if one node fails, the other node can handle the load. To verify failover capabilities, we recommend testing of all failover scenarios."

In the topic, Why Use SIP Trunking?, we removed this text: “GPS locations can be integrated with your Location Information Server to track mobile user location”

Migration Updates

In the topic, Migrating Group Chat Server, we added a procedure with specific steps for migrating Group Chat Server.

Lync Server Management Shell Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell Updates

In the following topics, we updated the description of the disclaimer value for the LocationRequired parameter:

In the topic, Set-CsPublicProvider, we removed the LocalStore parameter.

In the following topics, we removed the Force parameter:

Previous Updates




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